Probably one of the most successful cross-country skiers in history, Justyna Kowalczyk of Poland has clocked up a mightily impressive 2 Olympic victories in Vancouver and Sochi, 4 Overall World Cup victories and 4 Tour de Ski victories. She won the Gsisertal Lauf Classic race in 2019 and, to our great joy, is now set to return for the 2025 event.
Registrations are pouring in thick and fast. As always, we are offering reduced registration fees for sign-ups received by 31 January.
Saturday 15 February is the date set for the 31st Gsiesertal-Kids-Run which, at a count of over 300 participants, is by far the most popular youth sports event in South Tyrol. This year, the combined classification “SKIRI Trophy-Mini Gsieser” race will be held for the second time. See here for more details