Live Tracking

Experience the race live!

Your live race

DATASPORT Tracking allows you to share your race experience with family and friends: From the moment the starting pistol sounds, they can follow the entire race live on screen, track your position at all times, see how many kilometres you’ve covered, and find when you are expected to arrive at the critical points of the race and, of course, the finish line. The data is updated continuously.


  1. Purchase "DS Mobile Tracking" when you register online
    For just € 4.90, it’s all yours. Before the event, we will send you all the information you need to activate tracking. If you have any problems or questions, the team Datasport (red bus in the finish area) is always there for you.  
  2. Smartphone during the race
    If you have your smartphone with you (iPhone or Android) and activate the tracking app before the starting pistol is fired, we can track your position and calculate all the information that is of interest to your friends and family.
  3. Your family and friends can follow the race live on the DATASPORT website
    The moment the race begins, you appear on the map and we calculate a whole host of data that is not available anywhere else including, for example, how many kilometres you have covered, how long you have been racing and - most important of all - when you will be arriving at the finish line. When the race is over, you can relive it all with the replay function.
DS live 
News & info

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